Sunday, August 13, 2006

Vacation log: Special Edition.

A request of sorts was made for me to jump ahead to when I was by the Apostle Islands in Wisconsin, which was Wednesday early evening June 21st. I've also got a few pictures to add.

In context: I was on my way home, and this was my second drive by the islands. I didn't get as long as I wished in the area (I was on the road for about 13 hours that day, stopping quite often), but I still got to stop and take a few pictures.

Anyway, I decided to stop in Bayfield to take a few pictures of the boats in the lake, as well as the Islands in the background. I took these pictures in a no-parking zone, something I realized after I got out of my car. So, take a look while you can at the contraband.

After this, the next time I really saw the Islands was when I stopped at the visitor's center about 15 miles down the road. A storm had recently passed, and I had pulled off the road about 2 hours previous (more later). Still, it was incredibly windy when I arrived, to the point where they had the Coast Guard out looking for a few people on kayaks. The people at the visitor's center were apologetic (!) and said that they had a terrible storm pass through earlier and expected another one later on. The water was incredibly choppy, and I couldn't imagine anyone trying to go out in a little kayak in this weather. For the next hour or so, I managed to walk on the piers, talk with people who were working there that summer (who informed me that some people were holed up on a inland because they were too afraid to boat back), and tour a little fish hatchery that was no longer in operation. After awhile, the wind managed to calm down, and it started to look much better out on the lake. As I was leaving, some people decided to try out their luck.

So anyway, that's my short stop by the Apostle Islands. I certainly recommend spending much longer there. Just remember, there's not a whole lot else in the area. If you get bored, you can see the area's claims to fame. You can also stop on the Red Cliff Indian Reservation, which you technically pass through on the way to the islands. In the village of Red Cliff, there's a nice little gift shop where I picked up some great tea made from Spearmint, Eucalyptus, and Ginseg.

With that done, I'm back to the real order of events later on. However, I've got a few housekeeping things I want to post first.


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